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S-Corporation tax strategies that will reduce your tax bill, GUARANTEED!
How to create additional tax deductions in your business, LEGALLY, without spending an extra dime. See page 17 oh and more on page 32-44
How about writing off 100% of your beach home or ski cabin with no tax consequence? He he he, see page 45
Do you own Real Estate and rent your S-corp to yourself? If yes, then you are missing out on this major tax strategy that could insanely reduce your S-corp income... See what it is on page 46
How to save money on Health Insurance and Retirement with EMPLOYEES. Yep, it is possible, see pages 22-31
Tax Reform and S-Corp tax entity... very often not analyzed by even the very best. Page 12
Find out how you can shift some income to your kids. Why? Because they practically have NO tax bracket. Is this LEGAL? IRS tax code says it is... Page 33
Why your current CPA is missing out on these tax deductions and how it is costing your tens of thousands of dollars in taxes. EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR.
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